Angel tattoo designs have become more and more popular in recent years among both men and women. One of the reasons this is so is because of the powerful symbolism the angel tattoo represents. There are of course many different meanings of the angel tattoo design.
full back angel tattoo design |
Because angels are seen as representing a link between the heavens and earth, between the material world and the spiritual world, an angel tattoo design can be regarded as a way to connect oneself to the spiritual world. Alternatively, there are angel tattoo designs that have a dark side.
I started out writing an article on this subject but I decided that I would let the images pull the info in a more informal manner.
This angel tattoo design is fairly popular and will be seen often in various styles.
The word angel, is basically derived from the Greek word "angelos", which means messenger. Hence, the connection between the material and spiritual worlds.
awesome artwork!!...full back angel tattoo design |
The angel tattoo often symbolizes the belief of protection and spiritual freedom among it's bearers.
The angel tattoo is also worn by many in remembrance of a loved one.
This angel tattoo design speaks volumes, as the owl is incorporated into it. The owl is symbolic of wisdom and experience and in some cultures represent the balance between the mortal world and the spiritual.
What a very significant tattoo design this is. Very well thought out.
angel wings tattoo design |
Increasingly popular among both men and women, the angel wings tattoo design is infused with inspirational and spiritual significance.
Along with the full angel design. the angel wings design represents not only protection and guidance, but also the sense of freedom, as in that of a bird taking flight.
angel wings/nautical star tattoo design |
This angel wings/nautical star tattoo design is another well thought out design. As we know from the Nautical Star Tattoo Design post from October 2011, the nautical star represents guidance and the path home. Combined with the symbolism of protection and guidance of the angel wings design, their is a tremendous amount of meaning in this design. KUDOS!!
fallen angel lower back tattoo design |
The fallen angel tattoo design in and of itself has a few different meanings. As you can see here, there is a tremendous amount of despair being depicted. Often times the fallen angel represents the loss of a loved one as we will see in the next image. However, the fallen angel tattoo design can also represent one's own fall from grace, perhaps from mistakes a person endures, to sadness, to abandoning the spiritual realm altogether. Whatever the case, the fallen angel's significance is daunting.
fallen angel tattoo design |
This fallen angel tattoo design obviously has very deep-rooted emotional significance in remembrance of a loved one.
Although powerful and sad, I like to think of this type of design as a celebration of life, and the connection between the spiritual and the mortal.
cherub angel tattoo design |
Depicted here is the cherub angel tattoo design. Cherub angel tattoo designs typically represent innocence and love. You will often see the cherub as symbolic of cupid, as in the connection between lovers.
cherub angel tattoo design |
As with the symbolic nature of cupid, the cherub tattoo design also can signify the loss of a child, who has now become a messenger between the heavens and the earth.
fallen angel tattoo design |
cherub angel tattoo design |
full back/lower back angel/butterfly tattoo design | | | | |
This woman has very colorful and well inked artwork.
Along with the outlines of an angel, albeit a nude one you will find two sun tattoo designs and on the lower back, the butterfly tattoo design.
The whole package in this full back tattoo design seems to signify a real sense of freedom and an enjoyment of life.
Well done and well thought out. The tattoo artist deserves a lot of credit here for style and imagination as well as collaboration with the bearer of this artwork.
guardian angel tattoo design |
The angel tattoo design shown here is of a guardian angel. These tattoos, often depicted as warrior like, are worn at times to ward off evil forces and for protection against physical harm or accidents and danger.
People will get guardian angel tattoo designs in order to protect themselves from temptation or demonic forces, and to keep them safe from the harms of the world.
Various beliefs are associated with angel tattoo designs. Some people use angel tattoos designs as a symbol of protection and spiritual freedom. Others use it to commemorate their loved ones who just passed away because they believe that we transform into angels in the after life to guide and protect the people we love most. Angels are the messengers between the heavens and the earth and are very spiritual in and of themselves. These angel tattoo designs have different meanings to those that bear them, and usually will have tremendous significance to a persons life.
angel wings tattoo design |
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cherub angel tattoo design |
angel wings tattoo design |
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shoulder angel tattoo design |
full back angel tattoo design |
shoulder angel tattoo design |